Saturday, June 19, 2010

Inital Post

Is it just me or is it very weird to be writing a blog. I had no idea what a blog was until this class. I must say I am not enjoying this and don't think I ever will. I am sitting here writing a post that anyone can read. I really am not fond of this idea. I can't image anyone just posting a blog on a regular bases. If this didn't count as a grade I would not be sitting here writing a post for a blog. I feel like a person who has no life and is bored with themselves. So, they blog to make up for the emptiness in their lives. Sorry, for ramming I just had to get that off my chest.


  1. Kimberly,
    I am sure you will be fine. It's simple and a way to express yourself. There are plenty of people that blog in today's world, some people get paid very well to blog and tweet. It is a way to get noticed and in some cases earn a living, it's also how some people get to become a high profile bloggers for tv shows such as MTV and TMZ. It all depends how far you want to go and how many hours you are willing to put into it.
    Thanks Again,
    Marvin Maldonado

  2. Kimberly,

    I have to agree with what Marvin said. This is a way to express yourself. I too, have not really been fond of or really known what a blog is. I am feeling comfortable with it now that I have put some time into it. I do think that you will be alright as well. Just look at it as a learning experience. After all, this is a time of fast growing technology. Happy trails sweetie.

    Sara Philippi

  3. Hi Marivn and Sara,
    I agree blogging is away to express yourself. I am a private person and this is just not working for me. I can't see myself using the internet as a way to express myself. This whole thing is making me very uncomfortable. I'm doing because I have to not because I want to. I wish you both the best of wishes and luck on your blogs because I know I am going to need it.

  4. Kimberly,
    You will be fine, you just need to fine tune your skills and upgrade. I know this may be new for a few people but, times are changing and we all need to adapt to new things and ideas, technology is chaning very rapidly look at the Apple I Pad and the touch pads along with the phone technology it is also changing just about every month something new is popping out. You will be fine, just think of this as posting to the DB it's the same concept. Best of luck and post away! Express yourself girl, or just pick an article and talk about it, you can do it!
    Thanks Again,
    Marvin Maldonado

  5. Some of the causes of depression in teenagers seem to be genetic, and those cannot be changed, but other triggers of teen depression can be avoided. Some of the risk factors for teen depression include:

    A family or personal history of depression
    A long-term illness or disability, whether physical or mental
    Experiencing a trauma or loss, including abuse, divorce of parents, death of a loved one, or a break-up
    Difficulties at home, at school, or with friends
    If you are a teen who has suffered from depression, or who has other risk factors for teen depression, there are some things you can do to help prevent an episode of depression:

    Avoid drugs and alcohol - these can trigger depression.
    Associate with friends who have positive goals, such as going to college, and/or are involved in positive activities.
    Develop a good social support system with family members, teachers, and/or friends; some areas also have group therapy and support groups for people with depression and those who are at risk.
    Learn healthy ways to deal with choices, stress, and life changes.
    Get cognitive-behavioral therapy, which will help you to recognize if you have negative thought patterns and to change those patterns.
    Take any medication prescribed to you as directed; consult with a doctor before stopping medication or trying alternative medications.
    Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet.
    Get exercise, which helps manage stress and fight depression.
    Get enough sleep; it helps to keep a regular schedule, avoid having distractions in the bedroom (such as homework or television), and exercise earlier in the day, not close to when you go to sleep.
    Consider keeping a journal or finding other positive ways to deal with your emotions and notice any possible triggers for depression.
    Allow time for normal grieving after a loss, but if recovery does not occur, seek counseling.
    Avoid anything you know may trigger depression for you, including music, activities, people, or styles of dress and grooming that bring on feelings of depression.
    Get help if you suffer from any other disorders, such as eating disorders, learning disabilities, or substance abuse problems.
    Though seasonal depression is most common in adults who live in higher latitudes, it can also affect teens. Teens can fight seasonal depression by spending a few minutes outside each day, especially during the winter months, staying active, and using light therapy.

    If you know a teen who suffers from or is at risk for depression, you can help the teen by:

    Talking and listening to him or her
    Encouraging him or her to be involved in positive activities and to take good care of him or herself
    Being fair when dealing with or disciplining the teen
    Setting a good example by taking good care of yourself and getting help if you feel depressed or overwhelmed.
    Teens who avoid depression triggers can often prevent or reduce episodes of depression. Teens who suffer from episodes of depression should talk to a doctor or therapist to treat their depression, especially if they have suicidal thoughts.
